Already tonight: EBS Boat Party!
EBS Introweek is taking you to the bay of Tallinn already TONIGHT!
Departure is at Old city Marina, boarding is from 18:30 to 19:00, be on time!
Dress accordingly to the weather. So be sure to be dressed warmly 😉 Let’s not let the Estonian weather scare us & let’s take the most out of this years Introweek!
NB! Only those people will get to board who have registered and already paid for the ticket. You also have the chance to pay for the ticket on the spot, in CASH, in case you haven’t had the time to pay it already.
After the Boat Party we are going to Suveterrass, Kai 5, everybody is welcome!
Come and hang out with your fellow ebsters! Whether you will or will not be at the boat party, you are welcomed to come to Suveterrass to have a little evening chill from 21:00.
See you all there tonight!