The Big Bang
EBStival 2.0
EBS Introweek 2020 culminated with our awesome backyard festival EBStival 2.0 which offered all ebsters an opportunity to come and have fun.
EBStival was led by a charming host Sander Rebane. The festival tent was equipped with luxurious couches for networking and chilling. There was a fair area to get to know more about our inner life, ambitions and what we all have to offer to you all. Near the fair area was a neat bar area and of course there was a comfortable standing area right in front of the stage.
Right next to the tent was the catering area, which offered all ebsters delicious and sophisticated snacks. You could also see plenty of tables to sit by while listening to our amazing guest artists.
The evening started with a warm-up by EBS alumni and a DJ Mari-Anna Miller. Public got to enjoy some feminine voices by our own student Shira and bubbly Eleryn Tiit. Programme continued with people rocking along to Traffic. The night ended with a crowd wholeheartedly vibing and dancing to an amazing electronic-pop act NOËP.
There literally was music, food and chilling areas for every taste. Not to mention how amazing our school’s backyard looked like. From the put down grass to the see through open tent to velour sofas to a high class outdoor bathrooms – everything was pleasing to the eye.
.EBStival’s programme lasted until 23:00.
However, the party did not end there. Our official afterparty was hosted by Club Teater. All ebsters could enjoy the party until the early morning hours which was a wonderful finale to this eventful and amazing week!
EBStival was a wonderful way to top the whole Introweek off. Everyone from incoming Erasmus students to our alumni were represented. We are thankful to all of the participants – it would have not been the same without you! (Corny, we know 😉 )
However, it would have not been the same without all of our amazing sponsors too! We are really glad that we could work with all of our partners! THANK YOU!
Check out all of the EBSTIVAL 2.0 PICTURES HERE!